Concord, NC Chiropractic and Menopause| Pure Chiropractic
April 15, 2014

This article is for the Concord, NC ladies! What affects the age of natural menopause onset?

Who knows for sure?! But, a healthy lifestyle can keep you healthy throughout menopause, perimenopause and post-menopause! Incorporating healthy choices like diet and even Concord, NC chiropractic services may also be beneficial.  Pure Chiropractic welcomes female patients of all ages and is well prepared to offer chiropractic care to our Concord, NC menopause women patients. Our female patients really value our care, too!

A recent study lists interesting factors that researchers find to be relational as to the age of natural menopause onset. (1) Our Concord, NC women may find these amusing yet thought-provoking!

 Delayed menopause
 Increased risk of endometrial cancer
 High intake of total calories, fruits, proteins
 Moderate alcohol consumption
Early menopause 
Increased risk of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis 
High intake of polyunsaturated fats
(current) Smoking  
Vigorous exercise 
So what comes with menopause whenever it comes? Ask any Concord, NC menopausal woman, and you’ll get an earful! Hot flashes, disrupted sleep and breathing, insomnia, and, for some, chronic pain. (2) No fun, eh Concord, NC ladies?  Can menopause be avoided all together? No. It will come to all women at some point.

So what do women do when they have menopausal symptoms and effects? 53.8% visit a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioner and/or use a CAM product. Another 34% use a CAM product only. 5% talk with a CAM practitioner only. Menopausal women rated massage (94%), chiropractic (90%), and nutrition as the most effective strategies.  71% of CAM menopausal women told their medical doctors about CAM use. More menopausal women (62.5%) used CAM products than prescription or over-the-counter meds (59.9%). (3) Pure Chiropractic offers gentle, safe Cox Technic spinal manipulation which is relieving for spine-related conditions but also quite relaxing!

*Picture by Fotolia via Microsoft WordAnother relaxing side-note for Concord, NC post-menopausal women who enjoy wine and worry about fractures: Wine preference puts you at a lower risk of hip fracture! Compared to women who don’t drink alcohol at all or only used to drink alcohol or like other forms of alcohol, wine-drinking women are at lower risk. (4) Yay! Enjoy a glass of wine, if you like.


Your Concord, NC chiropractor is a whole-person physician, so keeping up with such research can only help female patients. So don’t be shy! Talk with us at your next Concord, NC chiropractic appointment about any female issues like menopause. We’re ready! Contact Pure Chiropractic today to make an appointment!