Chiropractic and Exercise Relieve Neck Pain; Both Better than Medication | Pure Chiropractic
May 29, 2012

Ever wondered what you can do for neck pain on your own? Well, exercise may be a solution. Spinal manipulation is shown to be effective. Seeking care at Pure Chiropractic is certainly a good idea!  We combine spinal manipulation and exercise instruction for optimal Concord, NC neck pain relief.

And research supports this combination! A new article just came out that shows how both exercise with careful instruction and spinal manipulation - which we chiropractors pride ourselves in doing really well - are superior to medication for neck pain relief. (1) That’s great news for our Concord, NC neck pain sufferers!

The study compared 3 groups:

  • spinal manipulation (average of 15 visits over 3 months) 
  • medication (NSAIDs, acetaminophen or both then stepping to narcotic analgesia and muscle relaxant with an average of 5 visits) 
  • home exercise after 2 hours of intense education on how to do the exercises (5 to 10 reps of each exercise 8 times a day)

At Pure Chiropractic, neck exercise with spinal manipulation may help relieve your neck pain.More neck pain patients dropped out of care who were in the medication group than the other two groups. Range of motion improved most with exercise. Pain scores were much better improved for chiropractic spinal manipulation care and exercise than medication.

Bottomline: combine our chiropractic spinal manipulation with some home exercise for the maximal neck pain relief!

In Concord, NC, contact Pure Chiropractic about your neck pain. We’ll share some simple yet quite effective neck exercises to improve your neck range of motion and strength as well as relieve the underlying issue behind your neck pain be it disc herniation or spinal stenosis or degenerative disc disease or other cause. In Concord, NC, our gentle chiropractic treatment with home exercise is most comfortable and alleviating!