Chiropractic treatment for pregnancy can be an outstanding source of relief for back pain. Many women also comment that the birthing process was easier after having undergone chiropractic treatments. During pregnancy, a woman’s body is undergoing a number of different changes to accommodate the growing baby. As the baby grows, a mother’s center of gravity shifts to the front of her pelvis, resulting in added stress and discomfort in the lower back and the various joints of the pelvis. At the peak of pregnancy, resulting from the associated weight gain, the curve in the lower back (lordotic curve) can increase to the point of causing serious impact on the vertebral joints, the sacrum, and the hip joints. This can make the tasks that become necessary once the child is born painfully difficult, such as:

  • Carrying a baby on your front or back
  • Breast-feeding
  • Bending over
  • Lifting things up
  • Standing or laying down

Chiropractic practitioners can provide safe and effective personalized care throughout your pregnancy and in the postpartum period. A thorough examination will determine the best treatment to address your discomfort and prepare the body for the height of pregnancy and childbirth. There are adjustment methods to accommodate the pregnant mother. These treatments may reduce the need for pain medications throughout the pregnancy as well as possibly reduce labor time. Follow up treatments can assist in realigning the body after the pregnancy and speed up the transition to a healthy post-pregnancy body. If you are curious about how chiropractic can help you with your pregnancy call our team at Pure Chiropractic today. We are here to help.

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