Regain Your Quality of Life with chiropractic| Pure Chiropractic

Improve Your Quality of Life With Concord, NC Chiropractic Care


Walking the dog around the block. 
Enjoying a vacation.
Going for a bike ride.
Playing with the grandkids.
Going to work.


Concord, NC back pain free grandpa and grandson playing with a kite

These are what make life worth living. When back pain interferes, you want nothing more than to find a way to regain your quality of life fast and effectively.

Well, fast is not always possible, but effectively is possible.

The speed of recovery is influenced by many variables, but effectiveness is documented. Chronicity (the length of time you have had pain), compliance with the chiropractic treatment plan recommendations, and severity of the condition influence the speed of recovery. However, the Rule of 50% gives you a target time frame:

  • if you do not attain 50% relief of pain in the first 30 days, you will be referred for more tests or surgical consultation.
Look to 30 days as the longer term, but realize your relief may well come more quickly as in just a day or few days or weeks. The 1000 cases study of patients who received flexion-distraction were found to have relief in 29 days and 12 visits.  (1) Effectiveness of care in those 30 days relies on
  • your coming to your appointments,
  • your modifying daily activities in the short-term, and
  • your focusing on pain relief and those activities you want to enjoy.
We at Pure Chiropractic are here to get you back to your pain-free life! Contact us today.
  1. Cox, JM, Feller JA, Cox JA: Distraction Chiropractic Adjusting: Clinical Application, Treatment Algorithms, and Clinical Outcomes of 1000 Cases Studied  . Topics in Clinical Chiropractic 1996; (3)3:45-59, 79-81