Sacral Area Spine Pain | Pure Chiropractic

All About the Concord, NC Sacral Spine

If you have Concord, NC hip pain, buttock pain, sacral pain, Pure Chiropractic can help. We are here for you!

Our thorough diagnostic skills will determine the source of your pain -- with much input from you as to your symptoms and history during the examination -- and what the next step of care is. That next step may be tests or treatment or a combination of both.

Our natural, gentle, non-surgical, chiropractic care guides your spine, muscles, discs, and nerve toward a state of pain-free recovery.

We will do our part in examining, diagnosing, and treating you in the office and ask that you do your part by adhering to our instructions for at home care. Together, we make a great team to relieve your pain.

The Normal Sacral Spine 
The sacrum is made of 5 fused vertebrae upon which the spine rests. Nerves pass through the sacrum that form nerves that pass down the lower extremities as well as nerves that supply pelvic organs with nerve innervation. 

Sacroiliac joints are the junction of the sacrum with the pelvic bone called the ilium. Sprain and abnormal motion of these joints is capable of causing pelvic and buttock pain.

Common Conditions of Sacral Origin