About Concord, NC Lumbar Spine Subluxation
the misalignment of one vertebra upon the other

A thorough, clinical examination of your spine that may include imaging is important for you to regain your quality of life without pain.
In office, Pure Chiropractic uses chiropractic Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression to widen the canal space, drop the intradiscal pressure, increase the disc height to relieve pain, and realigns the vertebral segments to allow normal ranges of motion.
You will welcome the Cox Technic manipulation that gently "pulls you apart," as many patients describe the treatment or say they need. Depending on the severity of your pain and symptoms, gentler Protocol I may be applied until 50% relief of pain or more restoring Protocol II may be applied to guide your recovery.
In office adjunctive care may hasten your recovery.
At home you will want to may want to avoid sitting for long periods of time, wear a support brace if recommended, take nutritional supplements that help rebuild disc cartilage, do exercises that strengthen your spine, sleep on a supportive mattress, sit in an ergonomically designed chair, and modify your daily activities as needed. You will want to work closely with us at Pure Chiropractic to ensure your treatment is properly administered and your return to maximum health is maximized.
Contact Pure Chiropractic today about your lumbar spine subluxation.