chiropractic Nutrition Encounter: Mediterranean Food for Life | Pure Chiropractic
April 03, 2012

What do fats and veggies and fruits and protein share between them? The Mediterranean Diet! But let’s not call it a diet. Let’s call it food for life! Mediterranean food is good for us. It’s preventative and tasty and healthy all in one...much like chiropractic (well, maybe not the tasty part!). Even though we are in Concord, NC, we can benefit from trying the Mediterranean approach to eating and possibly healthier living.

chiropractic is all about health: prevention, promotion, healing. Pure Chiropractic is always looking for the healthy choices for our patients, and Mediterranean food is undoubtedly healthy!

Now, the Mediterranean diet is said to have a role in preventing stroke (1) and diabetes (2) and cardiovascular events (3). The trick is to follow the diet! It’s reported that Parkinson’s disease onset may be later in those who follow the Mediterranean diet than those who don’t. (4) Even Alzheimer’s disease onset and progression may be slowed if the Mediterranean diet is followed closely. (6) Pure Chiropractic doesn’t want you to have to deal with these diseases unnecessarily!

Also, the Mediterranean diet reportedly enhances bone mass development (5) and helps lose weight (7). Not bad side-effects! These go far in keeping your spine healthy, too!

So, what is the Mediterranean diet? It’s full of healthy oils and fruits and veggies and nuts (not the candied and salted ones though!) and protein. Lots of lemon juice and olive oil. Bruschetta and coucous and raw or steamed vegetables. Beans and fish and chicken for protein. Herbs and spices and vinegar for flavor instead of salt. Check out this easy-to-make vegetable couscous dish. It’s colorful and tasty and filling. Yes it is, believe it or not!

Pure Chiropractic isn’t telling you to change your diet completely. Just try introducing some Mediterranean eating principles, and see what it adds to your life. Chat with us at your next chiropractic appointment. Share a recipe of your own with us! Together, we can explore a healthier approach to eating that may make for healthier living.