Concord, NC Hip Fracture Risk Reduced by Multivitamin Use
Hip fractures. These are major health issues globally. Concord, NC hip fracture risk is impacted negatively by drugs taken for all sorts of issues and positively by nutritional supplements. Pure Chiropractic constantly considers the risk of fragility hip fracture in our osteoporotic patients and carefully observes our Concord, NC osteoporotic patients. A new, uncomplicated way to address hip fracture risk appears to be once-a-day multivitamin supplementation. Easy!
As easy as it seems, just finding the people who are at risk for osteoporotic hip fractures and treating them to avoid a hip fracture is sometimes difficult! A meta-analysis (a top-level review) of published research findings about the effectiveness of screening the general population reported that such screening decreased osteoporotic fractures and hip fractures. (1) Pure Chiropractic is watchful of at-risk Concord, NC osteoporotic and hip fracture patients.
Fragility hip fractures and associated issues including mortality are issues for healthcare providers. Some pharmaceutical products are reported to change bone structure and influence the risk of fragility hip fractures. These drugs were significantly linked to these fractures in a review of 38 studies on the subject: antiparkinsonian drugs, antidepressants, anxiolytic drugs, antipsychotic drugs, benzodiazepines, proton pump inhibitors, H2 antagonists, and thyroid hormone. One drug intervention was associated with a reduced risk of hip fracture: hormone replacement therapy with estrogen. The advice researchers suggested to give patients at risk of fragility hip fractures due to medications: info about osteoporosis and fracture prevention. (2) That’s good advice. Pure Chiropractic is all about sharing information and would add that new research points to supplementation as a help.
As hip fracture is a serious complication of osteoporosis, a non-drug approach like multivitamin use and its effect on hip fracture risk is of interest. A meta-analysis reported on 8 studies on hip fracture risk and multivitamin use. 80,148 subjects – 4237 of them had a fragility hip fracture – were included. The average age was 69 years. 21% were male. Combined multivitamin supplements are already very popular and widely used. Their use was observed to be significantly protective against osteoporosis-related hip fracture. (3) Pure Chiropractic hates to think any of our osteoporotic patients would suffer a hip fracture!
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CONTACT Pure Chiropractic
Make your Concord, NC chiropractic appointment today. We can evaluate your fragility hip fracture risk and the appropriateness of adding a multivitamin to your daily nutrition routine to prevent your experiencing a hip fracture.